26 June 2011

Sunny Saturday and Cloudy Sunday!

Finally can see the sun yesterday. Today it is cloudy, humid and wet again.

Let's meet up with some of my girls. From left Nicky, Dancer, Bobo and Chocolate.

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17 June 2011

New stuff

I bought the dresses from Etsy and the hats and boot from Taobao.com Haven't tried out the other dress yet.

Like my new hair style?

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14 June 2011

Total Eclipse of the Moon

On 16th June, we will be able to see total eclipse of the moon in HK. Hope the weather is good that night.
You can find more information from the link below.

I guess Mimi wants to see too.

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11 June 2011

New additions

Finally arrived. I bought this pair of boots for my girls from Taobao.com! Let's try them on!

Looks good!

Got a new camera for my girls too. 

It comes with 2 lenses.

Let me try with a different lens.

09 June 2011

Sleep eyes!

Mimi: Hey, Nicky, I heard mummy is going to do something to you!
Nicky: Oh! Really? What will that be?
Mimi: Sleep eyes?
Nicky: What is that?

Mummy: Mimi, what are you two talking about?

Mummy: Successfully done! Nicky, sweet dream!
Nicky: Thank you Mummy!

Travel - Macau

Planning on going to Macau next month. Which hotel should I stay at?

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08 June 2011

Chocolate @Sai Kung

Sai Kung - Sea Food!

Tea Time

Nice piece of cake.

No more fish only very little left.

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07 June 2011

Hiking with Nicky

I went hiking on Lamma Island.

Power Plant in Lamma Island.
Nice weather!
Power Plant facilities on the Island.
Historical site on the Island.
Leave print on the side on of the trail.
Not a very nice tree, however the sky is BLUE!
Nicky, did you put on sun block?

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Nicky go to Lamma Island! 

Nicky wants to go swimming

I want to go swimming in this nice swimming pool..... however I am not a member here.

Cute iPhone strap

I made this!

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05 June 2011

Sun Glasses

Dancer: " Chocolate, your sun glasses is very nice. Can I try it on?"
Chocolate: "Sure."

Chocolate: "Look nice on you too."

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My Mac book

Mimi:" This is my Mac book. Nicky, stay away please. "

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04 June 2011

More friends

Mimi: "So many friends?! I need to keep my big sister position!"

To do this I need to stay closer to mummy. Mimi: "I am the Princess of this home, mummy."

Me: "Mimi, you have more friends! See. Do you like your new cat friends?"

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Another neck strap

I bought this strap too. Nice or not?

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Cute neck strap

I got this cute iPhone/iPod neck strap yesterday.

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03 June 2011

New friend

Me:" Mimi, meet your new friend. Her name is chocolate. "

Mimi: "Oh really?! Chocolate! Edible?!"

Me: "Not edible!"
Mimi: "Not good"

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Beautiful custom Blythe dolls on auction!

They are so nice! I would like to get one, however it limits to Japan only.


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01 June 2011

Meet new friend

Me: "Mimi, please meet your new friend, Dancer"

Dancer: "Hi Mimi, nice to meet you. Can we be friend"
Mimi: "Oh, Ok....."

Mimi: "Ok we can be friend. Can you stand away from me. I have no more space."