29 February 2012

Changing Eyelashes II

The operation from yesterday was a very successful one . I am now very confident to work on my other Blythes. This time I am going to change eyelashes for Simply Guava. I will also get her sleep eyes.

Simply Guava, smile!
Relax and take a nap.... 

OH! No lashes..... what to do?????? 

Da Dah! New eyelashes!

New Toy!

My hubby bought this for me yesterday. Guess what this is?

28 February 2012

Changing Eyelashes!!

This is my first attempt to change my Blythe's eyelashes. Ooooh exciting!

I have chosen Simply Mango to be my model. Please excuse my photo quality. 

Dear Mango, smile!  I would like to take a photo of you before the surgery.

This is Before....... 

This is the after LOOK! Wow! Very exciting! OK now I should go and dress her up with her original clothes ........

How about new dress and hair clips?

27 February 2012

Addicted to Pinterest

I have been addicted to a lot of things lately. Pinterest is one of them. I started pin photos that inspire me to my virtual board. Hmmm, Blythe dolls, pets and Hello Kitty related things are now on my boards. Come and visit my boards here and if you are interested, please follow me.

26 February 2012

Addicted to Instagram

I haven't blog for a long time. This is because I am addicted to Instagram lately!

I cannot stop playing with the app. I use it to change the color and size of the photos which I took with my phone or camera. It is fun! I found out that there are lots of Blythe lovers also using Instagram to post their dolls. Of cause my Blythes and my cat are my models.

Here are some of my photos I made. You can visit my Instagram photos here. If you like them please fellow me and click the heart to like my photos.